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So i open up the game, get past intro screen, and i only see like a pixel of the screen, is there a fix or something i need to do?

(1 edit)

Same here, the game Is still being played, but like previously mentioned in initial comment, can only see the center of the screen as it looks like a speck is only visible. (EDIT: I fixed it by spamming space bar and 'M' and it worked somehow lol)

You must reset the game by pressing M at the start of the game in the loading screen.

(2 edits)

I tried that, it didn't seem to do anything

Do you mean the loading screen, language selection, or splash screens?

Ok, i got it, it's the loading screen after the splash screens, not the starting loading screen to the language selection.

Hello! so i completed the game just before the chapter one full release and now whenever i try to play the player falls out of the map and i get softlocked

You must reset the game by pressing M at the start of the game in the loading screen.


a játék design egy kalap szar miközben futsz a medve elől igen a 2d-s képbe is bele lehet akadni de minek

I bought this for Mac and it doesn't work it won't let me open it it says error code

i got further but now it says smthing smthing failed to star would you like to reopen i click reopen nothing happen

will say the boss fight needs some fixes got some bugs in it plus need to at least add a save point when you enter there room right before the boss fight. fremy will sometimes not get off her poll instead she will say f you and procced to get sucked into her pole making you have to take a leap of faith right next to it and then hit in mid air and hope you get her if she does this you are screwed if you have zero healing items as you WILL plunk into the pink goop taking a health bar from you even if you do succeed in hitting her. if you get good and actually take zero damage you'll probably be fine unless her pole has vore kink and swallows her all three times. at that point I'd say grind until you have enough for the 4th health bar pill from the shop I sure didn't.

in short boss battle is broken bring plenty of healing items for the voyage into the pink goop of doom ;D

would not recommend getting for 6 bucks with the boss that has a pole with a vore kink. at least not on this version.

What do you think, is it worth buying this game for 6 bucks?

Let it cook for half a year. If they haven't done another rework, sure. 


No, this game provides no instruction on what you're supposed to do, controls are weird, and its just not fun. I wouldn't buy it

what is the zipline for im stuck

Try using the wire cutters in the starting room

Any info on when the next update is gonna come out? Just curious.


need help the game doesn't want to load

Is there a way for me to play the old one even if its unfinished I liked playing it

I'm stuck at the fremy boss, after i send her attack back she sinks into her podium and nothing else happens?

That's a bug. From what I found out closing and reopening seems to fix it.

Another thing I found is that she sinks when you rebound the hit in a diagonal and not in front, not sure if that can help you

that's so dumb, i can't remember which way is front its identical lol

bro my save data got a bug i die whe the game save what should i do?



i whats been done so far but the basement chase is painful to sit thorugh over and over im sure some one will just say git gud or some other helpful comment but that section literally made me stop and lose interest in playing the game , getting stuck on the surrounding objects or being unable to see the path in parts is just not fun. 

also while i didnt have particular trouble with the platforming sections it was dificult to determine the edges of some platform as sthey were the same colour as the walls beneath and some platforms felt too small to land on or too irregularly spaced to jump to.

in conclusion love the style and shift in game play but some elements need work , looking forward to seeing whats next 

I agree with the skip button, I personaly did not have any trouble with either chase or platforming, but the skip button is really necesary

Great beta, but the parkour makes me want to pull my hair out.


Git Gut

Great game even for a beta so far just one minor problem...
Why so much parkour feels like i'm ready to take on parkour maps made by people on games


why do i only see a black screen when a scene happens?

probably want to get a better graphics card or something mine is decent but still would lag a bit while going through it

the last switch is broken


I havent played much of the remake yet but just loading it up looks awesome (: thank you for your hard work glad to see the game progression!

is chapter 2 out?

i just made it back to the area where you get the boltcutters and white panties after doing the thing you told me to do to fix my game, and i encountered a weird bug that causes the final switch at the end of the area to count as a activated switch which makes it where if you activate the 2 protected by the blue things, and then activate the one not protected by the blue things (in that exact order), it bugs out the game to deactivate the pistons and the electricity for the boltcutters, if you hadnt activated the one not protected by the blue things the electricity for the final switch would be off but when you activate the switch thats suposed to turn off the pistons and stuff it turns the electricity to the area back on so you cant get out until you go back to fix it, weird bug and also makes it where you can skip part of the area if you dont wanna do the panties quest


i encountered a bug and need help because my game is now hardlocked, i had been at one hp at the fremy basement area thing, and i was entering the sneak section, but as i was entering i got hit, so im in the area at 0 hp but im alive still, so i do the idiot thing of trying to leave which causes the game to save me with one hp, and since there are no multiple saves or save on your own i cant go back to when i had hp and my character keeps loading in and dying, could you like post a thing i can download that just sets my hp back to 1 or full hp?


i have tried deleting the game and redownloading it but nothing changes btw


tries to press M during loading when starting the gam

(1 edit)


tysm you saved me from the idiot move i made when my downstairs buddy was thinkin for me

I had the same problem but pressing M just resets the game from 0 :(

yeah thats wat happened to me, it wasnt too hard to get back to where i was and apparently the other bug i had encountered where the mob follows you through walls and dotn fall down the pit is just a chance thing cuz it didnt happen when i got to that area agai

Please make a Steam version

Dear game creator,

I thank you for the game you are giving us. I understand that programming it alone is a great difficulty. Therefore, as a user who experiences your game, there are things that the game would benefit from, and I hope you consider them for the official launch (and not the beta anymore). These are the things I saw in your game that need to be fixed:

  1. The difficulty with Freddy: What's wrong with this? You might wonder what's wrong here is that Freddy runs too fast. He catches up with you even though you are too far away from him. Therefore, his speed must be reduced.
  2. Cutscenes: There is no option to skip them completely, and it's annoying to constantly skip the dialogues rapidly. Speaking of this, the cutscenes themselves are too slow (I don't know if it's my computer or the game, since everything else is going well. My conclusion is that it's the game).

I feel for you, creator. I hope you give us a game to admire. I will be waiting for your response.

Thank you,

What do you mean difficulty with the chase?
It is not that hard once you understand how to not get stuck in the enviroment, I only died once

will this game ever be compatible with controller, also how do you exit the screen when interacting with the shop?

With the key with which you remove the large screen on Youtube


if i purchase it once am i able to download future versions

Yes just go to your library on your account and the game should be there to re-download or update.


im sorry but this remake is just not a platformer with kind of sprites you have the platforming only gets good when its 2D otherwise your kind of fucked because you can't see your own collision and were you are jumping


Skill issue, check the shadow to see where you gonna land

help ive been softlocked or hardlocked idk but i cant get out cuz there isnt a multiple saves thing, i got hit by one of the blue things while i was entering the fremy chase area, so i got put at 0 hp but i entered the area so i was still alive, and the moment i left the area it saved but since i had no hp i died and now im stuck in a death save help

in the section of the game in fremys zone where you have to switch on 3 switches and are chased by sexy blue blobs while you do so, every blob i encountered thought i was so handsome they outright ignored the games physics and walked through all the walls, also ignoring massive pits in the floor, to follow me throughout that entire section, so i had a paparazzi swarm constantly following me saying "HERES ONE" and constantly doing the weird laugh they do, i find it rather funny but cmon man why

Deleted 71 days ago
Deleted 71 days ago
(5 edits) (+1)

So as a review:
First of all I do not get why people are complaining about the platforming sections I have not found them particulary difficult.

It would be ideal to be able to skip h-scenes of defeat since failing mthe chase, the sneaking or boss forces you to watch the entire scene over and over.

Speaking of boss would be nice if you had a save point in the room just before the boss (the one with the bridge) not the  one where you need to do platforming or come from the zipline to go back to the boss

And on the topic of Fremy is her h.scene supposed to not let you see anything? Feels like we should be able to see more from the bottom.

There need to be a mini tutorial or some on screen message that you can jump while in a zipline I got stuck several minutes running around because I thought I had to find  a switch to lower the walls in the zipline section.

On another note would be nice to have full screen mode

A bug I found on the boss fight  if you reflect the projectile on a diagonal fremy will fall in the middle section instead of on the exterior part soft locking the boss fight. 

EDIT on the bug: Seems like since it happened the first time now every time Fremy is supposed to fall to exterior circle she clips through the center and gets stuck forever. Closing and opening game again seems to have fixed it


How do I actually start the nightshift?


Quick question: Is the art of the old game in this one? Or not?

I'm confused. When I downloaded the demo there was a little room area where you could access saves, chapters, etc, on a computer. After I bought the game, it gave some exposition of the story, but then put me straight into the area with the shop. Is this intentional or a bug. Also I agree with the other comments on how the platforming after the Fremy's is excruciatingly frustrating. Due to the artificial difficulty from the poor platforming.

The game was reworked, the PC thing is no more


Seriously has anyone played a platformer before? one that is not made for babies? it took me about 5 falls to get comfortable with the jumping and it is not that hard, do you guys sprint jump or are trying to regular jump I do not understand how can anyone struggle on that platforming


so i died in the fremy chase while going through the door, how do i stop this death loop im in from this


same thing happened to me

i just havent touched the game cause i have been softlocked

I'm i the only one dealing with a bug that wont let me buy anything from the shops?

I'm a little lost in the game. I keep coming across the Fremy chase scene and the first two platforming challenges. I keep going back and forth between them and have no idea what I'm doing at this point. If someone could reach out to help I would truly appreciate it.


So you have to activate 3 switches:
1 from the chase scene,
1 from the sneaking section
1 from the zipline section (the one where they are walls, you can jump while in the zipline to dodge them)

when you buy the chocolate bar, is it supposed to appear in your inventory? I have no clue what I'm doing.

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