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Any plans for a Linux version? Would love to play this on my steam deck.



Quick tip: You can actually jump over these boxes to avoid the black wall! I didn’t realize this at first and thought it was a game bug preventing me from moving forward.


will it be possible to add this game to steam?

I think I found a bug with Fremy, at the point where you have to follow Fremy a black wall approaches, if the wall touches you, you progress get reverted back to when you lockpick the first staff door which is where you find the crowbar

That is intended, you have to follow her and hide behind things.The wall is there to make you follow her and not jsut stand still and let her walk till the end

stil, it's a bit harsh to straight up revert the progress to pre-crowbar stage, but ok

yea, best bet is to save at the bed in the first floor whenever you get new items

The Fremy boss fight needs work. It just does not work well with the style of game. Since she always approaches from the furthest point from the camera it's IMPOSSIBLE to tell her distance well because everything's sprites.


Just spam attack you have way more range than you think and can hit her before she gets in range to hit you


Goat game, fremy whooped my ass but I won. Glad to support this gem since it has tons of potential!

hermano el juego es hasta entretenido hasta que te toca la bossfight con fremy, hay veces donde hasta llevarte un hit es inevitable, el simple echo de como pegarle a fremy es RARISIMO, es como que te castiga por no hacer spam pero si se te acerca y empiezas a hacer spam igual te cuenta el hit, la cruz te la tira en la cara asi q es hit asegurado, si la tiras al borde y le das un hit para pasar a otra fase te alcanza si o si por que el dialogo de ella te mantiene parado como idiota, jugaba tan tranquilo hasta q salio la boss fight, DIOS, LOS 30 MIN MAS DESPERDICIADOS Q E TIRADO WEONN

Seh, seria bueno si al menos te dijeran antes que deberias comprar curaciones o si en las animaciones tuvieras invulnerabilidad, la caga injusta wacho

Can't interact anymore with Characters after completing the task, anything I'm missing ?

To get a scene with each of them, you need to choose the right player emotion for each Press the "1", "2", "3" and "4" keys when you are standing next to any of them This only works if you have complied with their requests

Does the game say this anywhere at all? I just thought the quests ended and that was it. There's no way to know that this is even a feature.

in the list of controls these keys are mentioned.

But you're right, in game I forgot to mention it.

I'll make a note of it for the next update.


I'm glad the game's evolving


parkour is um, not too great.

Deleted 136 days ago
Deleted 136 days ago
Deleted 136 days ago
Deleted 136 days ago

Game is impossible to launch from the itch app, it tries to launch windows icon updater instead

I hate the first boss battle so much. Switching to use health is nearly impossible.

little tip: if you have candy in your inventory, press F

that should make you eat them without opening the inventory

Just a heads up when i tried to run from Fremy the black wall hit me and 

the doors disappeared in the game.

did you reset your save before playing the new version?


I am playing on a freshly reformatted Laptop that did not have the older version on it. I will trying to see if i can recreated the glitch when i get to my home. 

It happens to me every time i fall into a pit

I was able to solve the issue. when the wall came i tried to leave a got hit at the same time. it sends me to the room with no doors and if i used the i am stuck button it remove all the doors. It took a couple of tries to recreate it.

Thank you very much, your comment will be useful!

how about joining steam?

So I've been trying to rizz up Ruby and its not working same with the other person at the counter. Is there something that I am doing wrong? I've used the controls too.


Is there's a chance of android users will able to play this?


Bros game in development if upset wait for finish


Quiero preguntar si van a poner el juego para Android

My entire game just freezes after fighting fremy the game loads up normally until I click continue for it to then freeze

I'm the third on to ask about what to do at the Zipline. I'm about 98% positive I've gone everywhere and haven't found anything to pick up to make the zipline work.

I was wrong. completely forgot about the forklift room and that I found the key to it

found a bug where the bridge fuse does not get added to inventory but still disappears soft locking the game

fuses are inserted automatically in the bridg

Mac version doesn't work


how do you use the zipline?  ive been pressing the interact key at the maker on the floor but it isnt working


we can't be running out of alternate names for "freddy" yet

When I started this game on my Mac, then it could't start and it said "The application "Fremy's Nightclub 2" can't be opened.".

Uhhh... That means do I missed anything with my Mac? :s

new bug where dying doesint load you back in

Opps, you're right!

I'll change it right away and republish it as soon as possible!

ive been hardlocked at a door after exiting a room im stuck in a death loop. how do i stop it so i can keep playing?

How do I fix the game it wouldn't load after the language option and the dialogue? I have played old versions before this new one.

load the game up and see if the game is actually loaded, pressing c to bring up your inventory is a best way to since it has a sound cue. if you hear it, the game loaded and walk around mashing E until you get the door. Game should load up normal, at least thats how I fixed it.


will the scenes with ruby stella and staffbot be included in the game anytime soon?

will the game ever be free

When Chapter 2 is released, the first chapter will become the free demo

So, if we bought Chapter 1 will we then need to buy it again to get Chapter 2?


I'm confused about the scenes i'm supposed to have with the occupants in the numbered rooms, I did each one of their quests and I didn't get a single scene that was supposed to play as I looked into the media file and did see their scenes.

To get a scene with each of them, you need to choose the right player emotion for each

 Press the "1", "2", "3" and "4" keys when you are standing next to any of them

This only works if you have complied with their requests

(1 edit)

I have some doubts and bugs; the main one was this where there was no wall, and it caught me off guard because I fell into the void the first time. The other issues are the volume options, which don't appear, along with some missing doors and empty spaces. I don't know if my game is corrupted or if these are common bugs. (Reference Video)

You must reset the game by pressing M at the start of the game in the "loading" screen.


Will the game be ported to mobile?


just wanted to know, was there any update to the game itself or just on the game's page?

the game has been updated yes

chapter 1 released

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